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    A few months ago, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to postpone the 24th ESHET conference from May to September. Although the situation in Europe has improved considerably and the lockdown measures are gradually relaxed, a lot of restrictions remain in place. It is now clear there are still too many risks and uncertainties to guarantee that we can safely organize our conference in September. We have therefore taken the sad and difficult decision to postpone it again. It will be held on 27-29 May 2021, in Sofia, Bulgaria.

    We are particularly indebted for their commitment to the Organizing committee in Sofia and to the Scientific committee. We will do our best to ensure that the work already done is maintained. After the two rounds of paper submissions, we now have a significant number of potential contributions. We hope, of course, that their authors will remain committed to presenting them in Sofia in May 2021. In the mean time, we are working on ways for the authors to share their current work with others and we will soon be in touch with authors about this.  Likewise, the Young Scholar awards as well as the ESHET prizes and awards for 2023 will be postponed to 2021 - and will therefore be in addition to those awarded in 2021.

    From a practical point of view, registration and other fees already paid for the 2023 conference may be carried over to next year, unless a refund is requested.

    I hope we can soon leave these difficult times behind us, and I look forward to meeting you in Sofia in May 2021 for the next ESHET Conference.

    On behalf of the ESHET Executive Committee,

    André Lapidus
    President of ESHET

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    May 27th, 2021 Opening of the Conference

    May 28th, 2021 Conference Dinner

    May 29th, 2021 Closing of the Conference


    The details about the precise schedule for submissions will be given later.


    Follow us on the social media
    You can find the latest information about the conference via our Twitter (http://twitter.com/Societies_HET) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/EuropeanSocietyHET) accounts.

    Please tag your own Tweets with #ESHET2023 so that everybody can follow the conference more easily.



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